Plastic Wrapper

Chris Avatar

Cold nights and moist air causes “rain” inside our shed each morning at this time of year. And boy have there been some cold mornings. There have been about 5 mornings that have gone down to freezing. There’s no problem when the cold westerlies blow. It is the calm. still nights that are the worst, when the condensation drips are so constant that everything is completely soaked.

In order to keep the timber dry until it can be coated with epoxy, we have been struggling with rolls of builders plastic overnight. Each evening, we roll out the plastic in strips, and in the morning they are rolled up onto lengths of conduit.

Now that the turret roof is complete, it is easy to cover it with these rolls of plastic and make sure that the water is shed off the boat, rather than pooling on top. This set of photos show the plastic being rolled out and secured.
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4 responses to “Plastic Wrapper”

  1. selvin Avatar

    i am interested in building a similar cat
    my question is: overall what thickness is the marine plyboard that are used on your build?

    1. SeeBeeZee Avatar

      The hull and decks are sheets of 9mm (3/8 inch) plywood, then coated with 200gsm cloth and epoxy resin.

      All aspects of a boat is a compromise. With the plywood, there is a trade-off between the strength of thicker plywood versus the sailing performance boosting weight saving of thinner plywood.

      There are now over 100 of these Easy designs now in the water, so I guess that is some testimony that 9mm is sufficient.

  2. Dan Avatar

    Hi guys, great site. really appreciate that your sharing your build adventure. I too am contimplating an Easy build. Im interested to hear about the boats positive floatation. Does it have any? how is it achieved?
    thanks again, look forward to hearing from you.

    1. SeeBeeZee Avatar

      Happy to share, Dan.

      Aside of the hull voids, there is no positive flotation in the build. I have seen some builders fill those voids with foam, but the designer does not recommend this. Hull voids need some access ability, so that they can be checked in case of some future damage. Those voids provide a huge amount of buoyancy, as long as the inspection ports are air tight. If the voids have been filled with foam, you would loose the ability to properly inspect them.

      Hopefully the buoyancy is never needed! These boats are meant to be dry. The only bilge pumps we will have are in the heads.

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