
Chris Avatar

What to do when you get bored? Build a boat!
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Before we finish painting, I want the dinghy finished so that we can create the chocks to hold it secure against the hull of SBZ. Those chocks will need to be painted, too.

Is PeeWee a suitable name? It is a 10 foot dinghy built in the same manner as SBZ; hoop pine frames and marine ply sheeting. The design was found on the web.

7 responses to “PeeWeeSeeBeeZee”

  1. Daryl Reid Avatar
    Daryl Reid

    Hi Chris , well you are doing a great job , I am too building a Sarah here in Mackay and am useing some of your ideas , Can you tell me if you used Chemlaged / Plastic coating copper pipe for the gas stove and hot water system ,some say you need to to get gas certificate Thanks Daryl

    1. SeeBeeZee Avatar

      Hi Daryl.

      We used chemlag copper tube for the gas pipes. We have worked with the local gasfitter from the start. He provided the tubing for me to rough in as we were building. He lent me a copy of the revelant standard document so that I knew what was required. When I had all the pipes ready, they came out and crimped all the fittings onto the pipes. Once all the appliances are installed, they will be back to certify.

      All water pipes are the whale plastic tubing. I have used insulation over the hot pipes.

      Where are you up to with your Sarah?


      1. Daryl Reid Avatar
        Daryl Reid

        Chris, thanks for the info. we still have a bit to go are about to build the back engine seat area and back cupboards for hot water and generator etc then internally the cupboards on both sides lounge and helm area . The bow lockers and forebeam ready to paint and sheet i am allso useing the whale tubing for water ,insulation over the hot water pipe good idea I will have another look at the gas standards as i could not find that info about the chemlag pipe as a requirement but i have been advised by another sarah builder that it needs to be used , but the gas fitter i got out reckons you dont need to have it . Daryl

  2. Matt Jarvis Avatar
    Matt Jarvis

    SeeBeeZee, just want to say thank you for the website. I have been following your build for a while, I am about to start my own Sarah in Cairns, QLD. Frames are cut for the first hull, finishing touches on my building shed are happening slowed a little by the wet season. Very hot up here at the moment making long productive days bloody hard work. The pictures you have taken along the way are fantastic. Its always great to compare my plans with your constructions shots and get my head around some the concepts. Thanks again and good luck for launch day.

  3. selvin Avatar

    hey Chris I am just anxiously waiting to see the progress on the build hope we will see more updates soon

  4. McCauley Avatar

    I live in the US (Kentucky) and I am wanting to build a Sarah. I have tried contacting Peter Snell several times to get info on the plans but have had no emails returned. It seems as though a lot of info on people building these boats is available from 2010 to 2013, and then it just seems to drop off. Would you know how I could get in touch with them? Also, how has your budget thus far been matching to the actual build and what kind of dollar endpoint do you anticipate coming to? I have really enjoyed your site.

    Thanks so much, Darren

  5. Ian Austin Avatar
    Ian Austin

    Hi Chris, Thanks for choosing to document your build with a wonderful blog. I am building Sarah No. 38 in Sydney, began slowly 12 months ago without a shed. Now all frames are done ready to assemble first hull. Can you tell me where your chainplates are located, plans seem a little hazy on this detail. Cheers Ian.

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