Pool Fool

Chris Avatar

We bought a new motor for the dink, and it needs to be run in. I chose the closest piece of water to put some time on the motor. Boating’s fine anytime.

Of course the furry friend has to get involved whenever there is some fun to be had.
[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”106672678129024570025″ ualb=”6157981182225610097″ imgl=”link” style=”windows” shape=”rectangle” size=”512″ num=”1″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” nocredit=”1″]

This is a speeded-up preview to the longer video:

Click here to see the longer version at normal speed with audio commentary.

One response to “Pool Fool”

  1. Patrick Golden Avatar
    Patrick Golden

    Looking good Chris. Bes is looking groovy also.

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