Hulls Rolled

Chris Avatar

Yesterday, we had 21 visitors help us roll the two hulls. Thanks, everyone!

The job went smoothly, with no real issues. Within an hour, we had both hulls standing in almost the correct position.

The day was way too hot, and while is was still late morning, the temp was already over 35C, and went to 42 later in the afternoon. So we didn’t spend much time trying to straighten up the hulls; I’ll do that later, when it is cooler. We added my temporary “frame 5 bulkhead”, a few temporary legs, and a brace onto the shed. That will do for now.

We were too busy working to take photos, but here are a couple of videos, sped up 6 times normal speed and reduced in quality so that they will load quickly.

Click this image to watch the video clip

Click this image to watch the video clip

And it seems that this was the only still photo taken:

Thanks to all the helpers

2 responses to “Hulls Rolled”

  1. Belinda Avatar

    haha its pretty fast footage chris, good footage, can you slow it down just a pickle lol ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Mitch Sullivan Avatar
    Mitch Sullivan


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