PWSBZ Launched

Chris Avatar

We have now launched the dinghy. It had a few test dips in the swimming pool, and was hung under the davits while it was still in pieces, but it is now finished.

It was glassed on the outside, and painted in and out with 2-pack polyurethane.

Rowlocks are fitted and tested. Balance is good with a variety of loads. It seems that we have good seat locations for any number of passengers up to 4, although a second set of rowlocks for the forward seat will improve balance for 2 people.

A test run with a 5hp outboard proved to be way more power than it requires, and we are waiting for our own new 3.6hp outboard.

I’d like to add a gunwale rubber around the outside to protect the yacht when coming along side.

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One response to “PWSBZ Launched”

  1. Patrick Golden Avatar
    Patrick Golden

    Be careful not to brake the oars Chris ๐Ÿ™‚

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