Sheeting starts at the bow. I was concerned about the bow sheeting on other Easy cats I have seen in construction. It seems that there is too much depth of ply removed from the overlapping joint at the lower chine.
While the designer has no problem with that overlap joint, it seems unnecessary when the first frame is effectively flat, with no kink for the chines. So I tried this sheeting method, dry first, to see whether it will work.
The sheets fitted fine. But there is a bit of a trick. The stem piece, on the right, has to go up first, so that the next two have an edge to be aligned to. But then the sheet at the top left of the photo has to be planed to allow the future hull bottom to overlap on the lower chine. You will notice in the photo where the end-grain plywood on that sheet has been planed. The stem piece was removed, the planing completed, and the stem piece replaced.
It all fits very nicely, with a much reduced amount of end-grain showing. I am happy with this, and will proceed with removing and gluing these sheets.
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