Right up in the bow are two voids. These are between the stem and the first frame (Frame 1) and then between the next 2 frames (Frames 1 and 1A). The first of these is quite tiny, with the stem and bracing pieces, there is almost no volume to the void.
These voids are thoroughly impregnated in epoxy.
The second void has been segmented with horizontal planes of plywood between the stringers on each side of the hull, making the bow a totally rigid structure.
Difficult to see in this photo is the bracing behind each of the stringers forward of the first frame, closing in the gap between the stringers and the stem. We are trying to achieve maximum strength with the minimum amount of material and mass.
The top of these butt-blocks was later built up to triple thickness, just above the waterline, so that an eye-pad can be fitted on the inside of the bow. The total thickness of the backing pad is 36mm, and this will be drilled and filled with threaded epoxy for machine screws to secure the eye-pad.
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