
Chris Avatar

The keel is now complete, resting on the top of the upside-down first hull. In retrospect, this post recaps the construction of the keel, from the drafting of the components, to the assembly and fitting of the keel to the hull, and then the skinning and fairing of the keel.

The specifies mini-keels that are symetrical fore-and-aft. In order to reduce the drag through the water, I have modified the design to build them as a NACA profile foil, with the same thickness and length as the design keel.

The leading edge has been shaped out of a piece of solid hardwood, while the remainder is formed up in hoop pine and ply using the original design method. All cutting and shaping was completed onย the CNC router.

The leading edge
The base for the keel
The Leading Edge



One response to “Keel”

  1. Mikael Pihl Avatar
    Mikael Pihl

    Very good

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