More Bathroom Photos

Chris Avatar

These are some older photos of the bathroom, showing the internal wall and high seat in the cockpit, as seen both inside the cabin and also on the outside from the cockpit. This high seat was built as a module and fitted into the wall, eliminating the locker behind it in order to provide additional headroom at the aft end of the bathroom (so that you can stand in front of the washing machine).

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One response to “More Bathroom Photos”

  1. Yury Avatar

    yes we sand between coats besuace that is how single part paints adhere to each other. it’s a mechanical rather than a chemical adheasion like two part paints. the voc’s are also less so they don’t smell as bad as๏ปฟ two part paint. we have found that if you sand between every coat it will look better and last much longer.

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