Our daily breakfast is muesli and fruit and yoghurt. The muesli we make ourselves from raw ingredients, as the nuts and seeds that we add are best stored whole in a dark dry cool locker. The nuts and seeds are both rough cut and blended to flour. To these we add oats and dried fruits and flavours like cinnamon. These dry foods keep for an extended period, and we typically buy sufficient at the start of the cruising season to last all year.
Fruits start off as fresh, but by the time we’ve been away from shops for a month, we’re usually low on fresh supplies. Our fridge space is limited, so not much can go in there. Granny Smith apples seem to last longer than other varieties out of the fridge. There is a cool dark locker under the fridge where we keep fruit, and regularly check that nothing is going wrong. After the fresh runs out, it’s down to tinned fruit, but that’s a poor substitute.
Yoghurt is an easy one. We start off with a particular brand of store bought yoghurt, and use that as the starter for our process of home made yoghurt. Once started, the process continues with two bottles, each about a litre. Once yoghurt has set in one bottle, the first spoon out is used a starter for the now empty second bottle, and so on. We make it with powdered milk, which is easily stored on board. We typically make and use 3-4 litres a week.
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