Sep 25 1100
With 170NMs to our destination waypoint at Bremer Island off Nhulunbuy NT, and 170NMs logged since leaving Seisia on Cape York yesterday, we are halfway on our crossing of the Gulf of Capentaria.
We had intending leaving Siesia with a flooding tide by heading SW out of the anchorage under Red Hill Island, but had not noticed that the tide yesterday morning was particularly low. With insufficient water for the shortcut exit, we had to motor against the strong flood to get out to the channel used by the supply barge that visits Seisia twice weekly.
Once clear of the sandbanks that run along the Cape, we set sails on a broad reach and headed west out of the Torres Strait tusing the Endeavour Passage to the south of Prince of Wales Island. The weather matched the forecast Easterly 10-15 knots and at times we ran dead downwind with the sails set wing and wing out each side, trying to stay north of the shortest course to avoid the pattern of afternoon calm air that runs down the western side of Cape York Peninsular. The heat of the land is sufficient to generate a westerly sea breeze along the coast, pushing back against the prevailing SE trade winds and creating a calm patch each afternoon.
The forecast for overnight included winds to 20 knots, so we prudently reefed our mainsail just on dark so that it would be easier to manage the smaller sail area at night. The early evening was dark, with the half moon not to rise until after midnight, and we were entertained by some terns efforts to land and rest on board in the fading light.
Around 2100 the winds freshened and gusted 30 knots, and even running off before them, the winds were too gusty for our autopilot to manage to steer safely, so we had to douse the reefed mainsail completely, and sailed the remainder of the night with just the partly furled genoa.
Sunrise at 0600 today gave us a sight of rough and confused seas, with waves coming from every direction. This seems to be the normal sea state in the Gulf. With daylight and a moderating wind, the reefed main was rehoisted, and we continue on with our average speed of around 6 knots, but occasionally surfing to well over 10.
Our destination at Gove will be the departure point for our 6 month trip through Indonesia. At Gove we will take on supplies and parts and arrange with Border Force to clear out of Australia.
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