We are going to wait till tomorrow to make the big jump across to Indonesia.
Today, we moved just 15nms further up the Wessels to Jensen Bay, anchoring at the northern end of the bay inside the most scenic little enclosure at the top of the bay.
We were able to stay much closer to the shore today, as the points did not extend out into the sea as far, and the bays were flatter, so had a closer look at the islands as we sailed past. It is a little nerve wracking to sail too close in here, as the charts are labelled “Inadequately Surveyed”, and by observation, rock outcrops and islands are common. I am constant amazed at how poor the charts of Australia are. I would have thought that our navy would want to spend a little less on their actual hardware and spend a bit more on learning where they are meant to operate.
We had been aiming to go all the way to Cape Wessel for the night, but that anchorage would have required much more motoring to enter, and the distance to Indonesia is almost identical.
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