We are Chris and Birgit, and we built our 40′ Easy cat from the Peter Snell designed Sarah, from plan number 33.
We are lucky enough to have a space big enough to build a boat like this, and in early 2012, erected a shed on top of a concrete slab that remained from the “humpy” that was on the site from the 1980’s. Inside that shed, we built the two hulls, turned them over and fitted out the complete catamaran.
We did this without mains electricity, running all our power tools from solar power of our house through batteries and inverter. The power installation in SeeBeeZee then mirrored that power installation at the house. We now try to run SeeBeeZee off renewable energy as much as possible.
The solar system on board has been expanded and a wind generator added, so that we rarely need to run a generator or use gas for cooking. We attempt to sail everywhere, even to from the anchor where possible.